Dungeon 3


Anna 我聽講你同埋Weshly傾偈?
Sally 冇錯。我哋上個禮拜五喺花園度傾少少偈。佢講俾我知佢而家係一位市長。真係好正。我好開心。
Anna 嘩!佢真係好犀利喎。我都好開心。如果人民選咗佢做市長,或者第二人都可以做市長。
Sally 係吖。地球啲人成日選人類嘅人,但係佢哋見到佢係一個好好嘅市長嗰陣,我覺得佢哋會開始選其他種人做市長。
Anna 係喎。我一定同意。希望我哋嘅社會會繼續選唔同嘅種族同動物做市長同其他啲地位。


聽講 To have heard (from someone/somewhere)
同(埋) And
傾偈 To chat
To not have
冇錯 Correct. Not wrong.
我哋 We
上個 Previous
禮拜 Day of the week
花園 Garden
少少 A little
講俾 Person 知 To tell this person something
He / She / It
而家 Now
一個 One thing (generic classifier)
一位 One person (profession classifier)
犀利 Awesome. Amazing. Terrific.
如果 If
人民 The people
To select, elect, choose.
或者 Or (statement). Probably/Maybe/Perhaps.
第二人 Another person. The second person.
地球 Earth
成日 Always
Plural Classifier
Past Tense Particle. Already completed.
人類 The human race. Mankind.
佢哋 They / Them
To see
Verb 到 To successfully be able to do the verb.
。。嗰陣(時) When ..
覺得 To think, to feel.
其他 Other
A type, A kind of (Classifier).
種族 A race of people.
一定 Definitely
同意 To agree
希望 To hope
社會 Society
繼續 To continue
唔同 Different.
動物 Animal
地位 A position (profession)

Training Grounds

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Translate to Cantonese

I don't agree that you can eat this sandwich.
This Chinchilla is not this city's mayor.
Do you think this city will continue to have sandwiches?
When you come back to the city, I'll invite you to eat dinner.
The people of this city are awesome. I'm happy they elected a Chinchilla mayor.

Translation & Answers


Anna I heard that you and Weshly talked?
Sally That's right. We spoke a little last Friday at the park. She told me that she was now a Mayor. That's really cool. I'm very happy.
Anna Wow! She's really awesome. I'm also very happy. If the people elected her to be Mayor, maybe other people can also be Mayor.
Sally Yea. People on Earth always elect people from the human race, but when they see that she is a good Mayor, then I feel that they will start to elect other types of people to be Mayor.
Anna Yea. I definitely agree. I hope that our society will continue to elect different races and different animals to be Mayor, and for other positions.

Training Grounds

Translate to English

Last friday they had 86 sandwiches.
Five chinchillas are talking.
Have you heard that this city doesn't have sandwiches?
The Mayor told us the city will now always have sandwiches.
Besides sandwiches, do you think we will have other stuff to eat?

Translate to Cantonese
